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Dec 23, 2006

This holiday week we offer you the audio from one of the Dharma Teacher Lamp Transmissions during the recent Beauty and Well-Being Great Ordination Ceremony in Plum Village, France. Four lay dharma teachers from Italy were chosen to receive the lamp this year, including Diana Petech (right), the teacher on this week's dharmacast.


over eighteen years ago

This has to be one of the most beautiful and truest gatha\'s ever written. I have thought about it many times since hearing the podcast, seeing teachers everywhere I looked. Thank you Diana for a wonderful teaching and sharing.

rodolfo petech
fifteen and a half years ago

hola soy rodolfo petech(rudy)soy de argentina, se que tengo parientes(familia)en italia, en la ex yugoslavia, en sicilia, pero aca en argentina somos los unicos, este es mi mail