We hope that your holiday has been restful and nourishing. Have you
had a chance to stop and return to your breath? This week we invite
you to join Brother Phap Ho in a session of guided sitting and
movement meditation. Our brother gently reminds us that every
moment is an opportunity to quiet our thinking and experience our
breath in the body.
With Thay peacefully healing in the hospital, we have the chance to
support his continuation through the building of the Deer Park
Nunnery. The four-fold sangha continues to raise funds to build
environmentally sustainable straw bale housing for the sisters and
a hut for Thay. See deerparknunnery.org for updates on the
construction and how to donate. Most recent updates on Thay's
health can be found at plumvillage.org.
you can always find the Deer Park Dharmacast on Facebook, iTunes,
and Twitter. We welcome dharma sharings from our worldwide
listeners on any of our online homes or by email. Now, enjoy this
moment to stop and look deeply.